Monday, August 9, 2010

My Birthday and other stuff

So I am 24. I have survived being 23. What did I get for presents? Gift cards to Target, Barnes and Noble, and Itunes. I know some people think gift cards are cheating but to me they are easy and I get to pick what I what since I am picky. I also got a pair of jeans that don't fit (hehe) and a nice white blouse. I still need an ENO hammock (Eagles Nest Outfitters) and an XBOX 360. The XBOX 360, I am waiting on a pay back check from my older sister, then I will buy the $299 game console.

School starts next week and I might cry lol. I have always hated school. I mean hate. I liked the social aspect of school more than I did the learning. Granted, there were some cool things we learn in school, but I could care less about history and math. Science I liked. Art, was ok. Gym, I really had fun in. Religion was ok too.

I also have come to accept the fact that I am an atheist. I still go to church thinking that maybe somehow I will find my way back but I just can't believe in something that they can't see nor feel. I don't believe that the bread and wine are transformed into the actual body and blood of Christ. (that just grossed me out as a kid in 2nd grade) I have always questioned and wondered. I stand there in Church wondering how all these people can believe in something that they can't see and how we are suppose to believe in things in the Bible that happened centuries before any of us were born. So I have given up in that area.

FOOTBALL SEASON IS HERE! Finally, jeez, I can't wait to see what happens this year in 2010 season of NFL. I hope the Cowboys do alright. The Panthers? We shall see. we shall see. I would bet on the Cowboys doing better than the Panthers lol.

Ok, I think that is all I have for right now.